Hello Sawmill Campus! We wanted to update you on some programming changes for the Spring season. We are changing things up a bit for the purpose of cultivating more relationships with students and connecting them to leaders in the student ministry. The most important thing in this season is Communication and that we have a simple way to keep both parents and students updated with what is happening. We are pausing the -- Every Sunday Night event but will have other events throughout this season.
The Gift of Reconciliation
Blessed Hope
God Loves You!
We Are God's Co-Workers
Three Important Questions
The Unimportance of Almost Everything
Join Us Sunday for Updates on Our New Launch Date
Finding God in the Not-Yet Moments
Experiencing Grace in the Hard Places
Grandview Campus Launch Update
Encountering Jesus
Growing up, I was a pretty good kid. I got good grades, I didn’t get into too much trouble, and I went to church regularly. Not because I wanted to. But because my parents forced me to go. I liked my friends at church, but I didn’t care much for the music or the message. Going to church didn’t really impact me, change me, or give me a sense of purpose or the divine. But all of that changed for me one day when I experienced something unexpected.
Marker of Health
Stepping into Next Gen
Celebrating, Rebuilding, and Re-Opening!
I was so blessed to see so many of our young people standing up and being recognized for major educational milestones recently! The celebration of our kids at the party afterwards with gifts, a photographer, and so much more was great to experience too. I have missed seeing us celebrate together, and it did my heart good.
Our Hopes and Dreams for the Vineyard Columbus Grandview Campus
Rebuilding Our Youth Ministry
Signs and Wonder for Grandview
If you missed our Family Gathering last month, and you aren't a social media person, we have some news to share.