Signs and Wonder for Grandview


Dear Church Family,

If you missed our Family Gathering last month, and you aren't a social media person, we have some news to share.

The Lane Avenue campus is going to help launch the new Grandview Campus this fall. We've started the process of changing our name on our digital properties and our website. I'm preaching Memorial Day weekend and will be announcing the new name to the larger congregation then. I'd love for you to join us at Cooper Road on the risers on the right side of the auditorium that Sunday.

This is an exciting time for our church family. This coming Sunday is our next Grandview Campus Gathering. This coming Sunday is also Pentecost Sunday, which is the day that we remember and celebrate how the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the first followers of Jesus in Acts 2.

And just as Jesus filled his first followers, I believe that he wants to fill us today. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our heart’s orientation is radically shifted from ourselves to others and God. Our eyes are opened to see the Kingdom that is all around us, and we are invited to join in God’s story to contend for renewal and revival.

As we approach Pentecost Sunday, I want to encourage you to ask God to fill you once again with his Holy Spirit. If you’ve never experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit, pray and ask for that. If you’ve experienced the Holy Spirit before, ask God for more. Let’s press into the presence of God together for the sake of the world! This is what we’re going to do this Sunday. Please come join us!

Insoo Kim