Blessed Hope
God Loves You!
We Are God's Co-Workers
Three Important Questions
Join Us Sunday for Updates on Our New Launch Date
Finding God in the Not-Yet Moments
Experiencing Grace in the Hard Places
Grandview Campus Launch Update
Encountering Jesus
Growing up, I was a pretty good kid. I got good grades, I didn’t get into too much trouble, and I went to church regularly. Not because I wanted to. But because my parents forced me to go. I liked my friends at church, but I didn’t care much for the music or the message. Going to church didn’t really impact me, change me, or give me a sense of purpose or the divine. But all of that changed for me one day when I experienced something unexpected.
Our Hopes and Dreams for the Vineyard Columbus Grandview Campus
Signs and Wonder for Grandview
If you missed our Family Gathering last month, and you aren't a social media person, we have some news to share.