Vineyard Columbus has a 45-year track record of attempting great things for God and receiving great things from God, becoming a model for many churches around the world. For many years, Vineyard Columbus has been the largest Vineyard church in the world and the largest church of any denomination in Central Ohio.
CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCHArising out of the Jesus Movement of the late 1960’s, three small churches began meeting in northwest Columbus, Worthington, and near the OSU campus as part of a non-denominational network of churches in Ohio and Michigan, ultimately merging as Christ Community Church in 1982.
THE VINEYARD MOVEMENTThe church joined the Vineyard movement becoming Vineyard Columbus, with Rich Nathan as our first Senior Pastor. Vineyard Columbus grew from just over 200 people to over 1,000 by 1993.
FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKERVineyard Columbus sent its first international worker to the Amazon Basin in NE Brazil. That was followed by the church sending missionaries to a dozen other countries in the next two decades.
1994 - 1991
FIRST CAPITAL CAMPAIGNAfter outgrowing our tiny church building, in our first capital campaign,“The Deeper Flow” we raised $645,750 over three years to build our initial facility at Cooper Road.
GROVE CITY CHURCH PLANTVineyard Columbus planted its first church in Grove City, now attended by close to 900 people.
2001 - 1998
SECOND CAPITAL CAMPAIGNAs attendance grew to 3,600, our church gave $5,835,000 over three years in our second capital campaign, “Responding to God’s Extravagant Grace” to expand our Cooper Road facility and build our current sanctuary. Families gave an average of $6,000 each!
2005 - 2008
THIRD CAPITAL CAMPAIGNAs our church reached 6,500 people, we gave $7,523,800 over three years in our “Blessed to be a Blessing” campaign to build the Vineyard Community Center in order to reach our community and be the best friend this city has ever known. We also expanded our missions, sending out three teams across the globe.
SAWMILL CAMPUSAs attendance grew to more than 7,200, our church launched the Sawmill Campus to reach the rapidly growing northwest side of Columbus.
LANE AVENUE CAMPUSVineyard Columbus launched the Lane Avenue Campus, led by Andrew and Ginny Oswalt.
EAST CAMPUSIn the fall, Vineyard Columbus launched the East Campus in Berwick, led by Pastor Charles Montgomery, to serve the communities of East Columbus.
LA VIÑAAs God blessed us in being a multiracial, multiethnic church, Vineyard Columbus responded by launching La Viña in the Cooper Road chapel, led by Pastor Irene Casale. La Vina was our fifth campus launch in five years.
EAST CAMPUS IN PICKERINGTONVineyard Columbus East Campus began to meet at its new location in Pickerington. Vineyard Columbus was excited to adopt the Eastside Vineyard as part of the launch of Vineyard Columbus East Campus.
30TH CHURCH PLANTPacific City (Vineyard) Church in Los Angeles launched, making it the 30th Vineyard Columbus church plant in the last 25 years.
35TH INTERNATIONAL WORKERVineyard Columbus sent its 35th international worker into the field. We currently have 15 active workers serving God in eight locations from South America to Africa to Asia and the Asian-Pacific regions of the world.
FUTURE SENIOR PASTORSEric and Julia Pickerill were announced as the next co-senior pastors of Vineyard Columbus.
LAUNCH OF GRANDVIEW CAMPUSVineyard Columbus Grandview Campus began to gather in the middle of Grandview Heights. After many hurdles, Grandview Campus opened its doors and launched on January 23, 2022.
We celebrate our history with deep humility and gratitude, recognizing that all the good that has happened in and through Vineyard Columbus is more about God and less about us. Now, as we look to the future, God is on the move again. He is calling us to do more to reach central Ohio with new campuses, training new pastors, and investing in new buildings that will be hopeful places of worship and outposts for service. We want to continue to send new workers around the world to take the good news of God’s amazing welcome and love to those who’ve not yet experienced it. We’ve always believed that God provides for what he orders, so each step we take is in obedient response to what he initiates. The story continues in gratitude for what God has done in saving us and inviting us to join him in his plan for the world. Just as God has enabled us in the past, he will do so again, so let’s run together into the future with the hope of his presence!