Focusing on What Is Most Important


Hello Church Family,
We were having a lovely spring until the unexpected snowstorm! Fortunately, it melted quickly. I have really enjoyed going on long prayer walks at Sharon Woods and Inniswoods. The leaves are returning. Flowers are blooming. Signs of life are everywhere.

But with the nice weather, also comes a flurry of activities. And for our family, that means lots and lots of soccer games! Two weekends ago, our three boys played in NINE soccer games! We are at that stage in our family life that it’s getting harder and harder to find time for everything that we want to do. And oftentimes, what happens is that the really important things get pushed aside to make way for what is immediate and urgent.

I imagine that you are also experiencing some of this in your own life. Our days can easily and quickly fill up with lots of things that demand our urgent attention. And when that happens, we inadvertently lose sight of that which is most important. We have an opportunity now in this new season to determine what is most important to us and what we should prioritize.

My encouragement for all of us is that we prioritize reconnecting with one another and being renewed in the presence of God. We need to rebuild community, and we need to be renewed together as the people of God. With that in mind, I want to invite you to our first monthly Family Gathering for worship, prayer, and connection on SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 10-11 am at the Grand Event Center (820 Goodale Blvd) in Grandview, which is right across the street from our new building.

For our first gathering, we will take time to process where we have been, and we will look ahead and share our plans for the next 6 months. This will be a really important gathering, so I want to really encourage you to make this a priority and join us! We will be socially distanced and wearing masks. Please register today. We will also stream the event on our Facebook page for those not yet comfortable meeting in person.

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Right after our gathering in the Grand Event Center, everyone is invited to come into our new building to write a short prayer or a Bible verse on a prayer wall before they begin the renovation work in our new space. This wall will eventually be covered with new drywall, but we will know our walls are rooted in prayer and scripture.

Let’s reconnect with one another, and let’s press into the presence of God together for renewal and revival. If you know of Lane Avenue church family members who have been out of the loop and maybe feeling disconnected, please reach out to them and encourage them to join us for this special family gathering. You can even forward this email to them! Joining our weekly email list is as easy and sending an email.