What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

Do you ever feel impatient when you have to wait? Life is full of waiting. We wait in traffic. We wait in lines. We’re delayed in meetings. We wait for test results from the doctor. We are always waiting. We can either wait with anxiety or with anticipation. Leading up to Christmas, we’re starting a new series at Vineyard Columbus about how to be people who wait well. Christmas is really a season of waiting! The stores have been decorated and Christmas music has been on the radio for weeks. We hope you’ll join us in this season as we wait and anticipate Christmas!

Just Pray

Just Pray

Have you ever wanted to know how to better connect with God? Fortunately, there is a way to connect with God – it’s called prayer. Prayer is central to our fellowship with God, and our prayer life is directly affected by what we believe about God. In this series, we’ll see that the Lord’s prayer is few in words yet full of wisdom for how we can practically connect with God in ways that make a real difference in our lives. Discover how to have a heartfelt dialogue with God – and let the conversation begin!

Transforming Power for Your Life

Transforming Power for Your Life

Could you use a transforming power in your life? For close to 2,000 years, Christians have been praying prayers of invitation for the Holy Spirit to come, to move, and to transform people and situations. In this teaching series, we unveil the risky adventure that happens when we dare to pray, “Come, Holy Spirit” and join in the Grace-filled flow of the ages in which Jesus has changed-and continues to change-lives around the world.

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Feel like you’re running out of gas? Have you ever felt like giving up? Life can be hard. It’s not always easy to do the right thing – and it can feel lonely when we try. We’re tempted to think everyone else has it figured out. The book of Hebrews encourages us to never give up even when things are tough. There’s something beyond your current circumstances and a reason to keep going – a reason to hope. If you’ve ever felt like giving up or know someone who is ready to give up, you won’t want to miss this series – “Never Give Up!”



In life many of us have been challenged by adversity. We are challenged by our past. We’re challenged by people, by circumstances, by addictions, by our own bad choices, by cultural pressures, by sickness and so on. Did you know through the power of Christ you can overcome any challenge that you face? This series features real-life stories of people who have overcome personal challenges such as imprisonment, the murder of a loved one and sexual abuse, and came out victorious. If you’re facing a personal challenge, you don’t have to settle where you are - in Christ you too can be an overcomer!

Family Matters

Family Matters

What are families for? How is marriage supposed to work? How do I get along with my parents? Is child-raising designed to make parents crazy? What if I’m single? Does it matter that I’ve spent my whole life in a family and still don’t know how “normal” families are supposed to function? If you have any of these questions, God has answers! Join us as we focus on family matters and most importantly why family matters to God.