
International Ministry Trips

Over the next 12 months, we hope to send 12 groups of VC people on trips around the world to learn, serve, and gain God’s heart for the nations – the earth is the Lord and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it! (Psalm 24:1) See below for a list of upcoming trips and come travel with us! Any questions? Email International Ministries .


November 4–17, 2023 (1st group)
December 1–15, 2023 (2nd group)

This cultural immersion trip will be traveling with a tour company that enables Christians to interact with Muslim tour guides and to be invited into Muslim homes for activities, meals, and lodging. For questions about this trip, email us below. Please let us know which trip you are interested in. Questions? Email us.



June 9–20, 2023

We will take a 12-day trip to Cambodia with the primary task of connecting to the orphan home that Vineyard Columbus supports. This is an Asia’s Hope home; Asia’s Hope is widely recognized as an organization that provides effective solutions for kids who cannot be safely reunited with their families of origin. The children in this home live there with their “forever family”, and so we will spend time connecting with these children who have been part of our home for years! We’ll spend time getting to know them, playing with and learning from them, and being an encouragement and a refreshment to the parents of the home. The goal of the trip is to renew our connection to this home (a team hasn’t visited since pre-pandemic!), and to be a blessing to the children and adults there! We’ll also have the chance to experience a couple of cultural things while there (including Angkor Wat).



August 2023

Registration Deadline: May 31, 2023
Cost: $3,100 (due June 15)
Leader: Pastor Andy Saperstein

This trip is a wonderful opportunity to serve and invest in children, youth, and families working long-term across the Muslim world. This trip will expose you to a large community of people committed to working cross-culturally in challenging places and will position you not only to directly invest in encouraging and supporting them, but will allow you to learn, be challenged, and get a vision for God’s work among the nations of the world. A beautiful location and a wonderful opportunity to serve in ways that make a real difference in the world. If you are a 20-something person of color or third-culture person, this is especially for you. Questions? Email us.



For more information about any trip, or for any general International Ministries questions,
please email International Ministries here.

International Ministries