
International Ministries

At Vineyard Columbus, we are committed to our whole church being engaged with the whole world, both locally and globally. Whether supporting long-term work and sending short-term teams around the world, or through serving international communities right here in Central Ohio, we are excited to be partnering with God in bringing his kingdom to the whole world. Read more below to see how you can get involved!


Local International Ministries

Immigrants and refugees to the Columbus area need our outreach and support. Our Local International Ministry provides opportunities for all of us to easily plug in and serve. You can engage with our international community through outreach events and ESL classes. Our desire is to love international friends in practical ways:


English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are a ministry of Vineyard Columbus dedicated to equipping refugees and immigrants by providing teaching which increases their functional grasp of the English language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To learn more about our ESL program, click here.

Volunteer International Ministry (VIM) Teams

Volunteer International Ministry (VIM) Teams are campus-specific and churchwide teams where you can serve with others in International Ministries. To help pray and care for missionaries, host campus events, organize international trips, and serve alongside others in all things international, click the link below. 

Other Volunteer Opportunities:

To learn more ways to help our international friends, click here.

  • Vineyard Free Health Clinic

  • Immigration Counseling Services 

  • Vineyard Columbus Food Pantries  

  • Citizenship Classes   

  • Developing practical skills  

  • Extending hospitality at Vineyard Columbus  

  • Sharing our faith and core values 

Global International Ministries

Vineyard Columbus is excited to be supporting nearly 20 Vineyard individuals, families, and ministries engaging in long-term work in a dozen countries from Brazil to Indonesia. Over the next 12 months, we’ll also be sending a dozen trips to learn and serve around the globe, and are stirring vision, service and prayer for the work of the kingdom around the world - for more information, click the button below or send us an email.


How to Pray

  • Pray for Steve and Elba Dolan and their two high-school/college age daughters, Camilly and Alyssa in Belém, Brazil. Elba serves in leadership roles in the Association of Vineyard Churches in Brazil, and they are working hard to find a pastor for a new church plant in Belém, where they recently moved. The Dolans have been sent and supported by Vineyard Columbus for the last 20 years or so. Please pray for their transition to a new city, for their daughters in a new season of life, for the new church plant and pastoral search, and for Elba’s national leadership work in Brazil.

    Please pray for Keith and Marsha Wilson, also sent and supported by Vineyard Columbus for nearly 20 years, as they work hard on a new church plant in Palmas, Brazil. After serving as church planters for many years in another location, Keith and Marsha moved last year to Palmas. Please pray that God would bless them in their transition, keep them healthy, open doors for establishing a new church community, and bless them as they are now separated from their two sons in the United States.

  • Please pray for one family on furlough and another family preparing to work long term among a Middle Eastern people scattered around the world and experiencing social strife and religious persecution in their own land. Pray for grace and rest for the furloughing family, for their children transitioning to college life in the U.S., and for God to work among the people they love and are giving their lives of service for.

    Pray for another family (T, O, F, and T) on furlough and set to return later this summer to their work among a minority Muslim people isolated by language, geography and politics. Pray that God would provide for their financial needs, and open the way for his grace, light, and salvation to bless the many distinct ethnic and linguistic communities in their region.

    Pray for F and M, a couple serving long term in Central Asia, as they transition back to life in the U.S. after seven years abroad. Pray that God would establish the church among people in their adopted land and that he would set them down gently back in Columbus for a time of rest and discernment.

    Pray for KE, a single man working in a Southeast Asian nation, that God would give him clarity in his upcoming plans, strengthen and lead him in his team connections going forward. Pray that God would strengthen and embolden the local church and draw others to himself in this expansive Asian nation.

  • Please pray for Joseph Saperstein and his team in Lille, France, and for the good work of International Association for Refugees (IAFR) as they serve migrants and refugees, mostly from French-speaking North Africa. Pray for new team members coming on board, for unity and grace in their work, and that the team would flourish in loving and serving vulnerable people on the move.

  • Please pray for three different single women (L, N, and N) and one family (M, I, M, L, and U) from Vineyard Columbus, all working on different teams in one Middle Eastern country in medical work, economic development, community service, outreach, and evangelism among both urban citizens and rural refugees in an economically challenged land. Pray especially for L, who is discerning the way forward for the future for her wonderful medical work among refugee women, and for N, who is soon to be engaged and is seeking direction from God with her fiancé, S. Pray especially for God’s mercy to the refugee communities in this region, that God would show mercy and shine his light on them.

  • Pray the God would protect the innocent, stay the hand of the violent, strengthen and protect his church, and bring peace to Sudan, where opposing factions have been fighting for several weeks. And pray for Z and his wife N, and for their children, J, B, U, and U, as they seek to depart to a neighboring country to escape the fighting. Pray that God would protect the work of years – schools, churches, community programs, and other good work – in the face of much chaos, looting, banditry, and violence.

    Pray for U and J, longtime Vineyard workers in this region, as they continue to share their faith with friends and neighbors, facilitate others working and visiting the region, and investing in the African Vineyard community to spur outreach beyond traditionally Christian enclaves.

    Pray for K, a single man from VC working in a poor part of this region among both local and displaced people to share faith, do agricultural development work, and support local followers of Jesus. K is recently engaged to T, a wonderful woman from the region – please pray for their visa situation as they seek to travel back to the U.S. to visit this summer. And pray that God would strengthen his church, add to their number, and extend his mercy to the people of this dry and dusty land.



Third Wednesday Global Meetings

This is a great way to learn more about International Ministries. Every third Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. we hear stories of Vineyard people around the world, pray for the nations and seek God to learn more about his desire to bless and make disciples of all nations. For more information email us.

ESL Classes

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are a ministry of Vineyard Columbus dedicated to equipping refugees and immigrants by providing teaching which increases their functional grasp of the English language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
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International Ministry Trips

If you sense God inviting you to step out and travel on one of our upcoming trips, here is a list of upcoming possibilities. 
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International Ministries