Babies playing together in a play room

Value Life

A Crisis Pregnancy Ministry


Empowering women with REAL choices


We want to be a safe haven for women considering abortion and those who are vulnerable and facing a pregnancy.


If you or someone you know is in an unplanned pregnancy please call our Value Life Hotline at (614) 259-5528.

We provide a safe haven for women and their unborn children. Our intent is to provide a complete support system, which will result in physically and spiritually healthy moms and children, from the beginning of the pregnancy throughout the entirety of the child and mother’s life.

We also provide support for women who recently had a new one and feel they have no where to turn. We offer support for women and their babies up through the age of 2 years old.




We provide physical and emotional care as well as material resources to support you during and after your pregnancy. Through our staff and mentors, we assist new moms in finding resources such as educational/GED assistance, job assistance, financial direction, parenting classes, adoption information (if interested), and spiritual support.




Practical Needs

To new and expecting mothers, we make the following items available to those who meet our eligibility guidelines. All are gently used, and availability depends on donations. Serving children up to their second birthday.

  • Pack and Play – usually New

  • Infant Car Seat – New

These items may be gently used:

  • Baby clothing Newborn to size 2 T

  • Receiving and Crib Blankets

  • Baby shoes and socks

  • Diapers all sizes

  • Formula – usually all types are available.

  • Breast Feeding Supplies and Breast Pumps

Donations can be dropped off any weekday between 8:30 am 5:00 pm in the Ministry Center Office entry. On Sunday they can be dropped at the Ministry Center Offices entry or the Worship center entry. between 8:30 and 12:30


MotherHeart Mentoring

If you know someone who is experiencing a difficult or unintended pregnancy, we offer a one-on-one mentoring ministry called MotherHeart Mentoring. We assist moms in finding the resources, care and guidance they need to carry their baby full term. For more information about this program, please call our Value Life Hotline at (614) 259-5528.

We also offer the following support groups for women:

HEART Post Abortion Support: Healing Effects of Abortion Related Trauma, a closed confidential support group for women who have experienced the pain of abortion in the past. This group assists women in a journey of healing from that pain and accepting the forgiveness that Christ gives, no matter what sin we have experienced in our life. Many women have experienced profound healing and forgiveness during the process. Please click here for more information and to connect with someone.

Empty Arms: a support group for women who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillborn, or early infant death. This group provides a private setting where women can share and find healing from the pain of their loss.