What is Life Support

Support groups at Vineyard Columbus consist of people with common experiences and concerns who provide emotional, spiritual, and moral support for one another. While all believers are called upon to come alongside of each other in this way, members of a support group intentionally gather on a regular basis to ensure this happens in their lives in ways that might not naturally occur. These groups are led by trained volunteers who are there to help minister insight, healing, and spiritual growth in difficult seasons or situations. Some groups are time-limited and follow a set curriculum, while others are ongoing and focus on the present needs of the participants.

Support groups are not the same as group therapy sessions. Group therapy is a formal type of mental health treatment that brings together several people with similar conditions under the guidance of a trained mental health provider.

To find a support group, check the list before. To discuss the possibility of leading one, please contact our support group team.


Women’s Groups

Hearts Restored Support Group

When: Tuesdays, 6:45–9pm
Contact: Hearts Restored 

Hearts Restored is a faith-based outreach where you will find a safe, confidential place to share with other women who understand the devastating effects of sexual betrayal - it can literally knock you off your feet. We are engaged, married, separated, and divorced women who do not judge each other but rather embrace that we are all on a similar journey with a common goal. Support is a huge part of our recovery. We have seen God do amazing things in our lives, bring healing and restoration. We are here to help you as others have helped us. This group is for and about you, not your spouse or partner. Sexual betrayal, whether it be pornography, emotional, extramarital affair(s), prostitution, etc., is traumatic and disorienting. We are committed to helping women get back up, regain their footing and by the grace of God learn to walk this journey with him- "right foot, left foot".

Mended: Divorce Support for Women

When: 2nd Tuesdays, 7-9pm
Where: Online
Contact: Devon

Divorce is devastating no matter why it happened or who initiated it. It is painful and disorienting; messy and chaotic. It can feel very lonely and experiences of depression and anxiety are common. Where do you go? What do you do? How do you recover and move on from divorce? There is hope, there is healing, there is restoration. You can be MENDED!

Unequally Yoked: Healing the Loneliness in your Marriage

When: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 6:30–8:30 pm
Contact: Laurel, 614-886-1749

We are a group of married women who feel alone in our Christian walk with our husbands. Please come and join us as we support one another, pray for our husbands, fellowship, and become Sisters together in our Journey as we walk together with Christ as our ‘First Love’.

HOPE: Healing Our Past & Present Experiences

When: 1st & 3rd Mondays, 6:30pm,
June 7 - August 16, 2023
Where: East Campus
Contact:  Dixie

VC East Campus and Support for Life ministry is hosting a new book study, Try Softer, for women who have experienced trauma and/or domestic abuse. 
We don’t have to white-knuckle our way through life. Try Softer shows us how God specifically designed our bodies and minds to work together to process our stories and work through obstacles. Through the latest psychology, practical clinical exercises, and our own personal stories, we will become more equipped and empowered to connect to our truest self and truly live.

Men’s Group

180 - Men's Ministry Group

When: Mondays, 7–9pm
Contact: Rob T.

180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness find healing through Jesus and his Holy Spirit and grow in a healthy relationship with God our Father. This ongoing ministry is open to all men, meets weekly throughout the year, and emphasizes both the healing power of God AND the personal responsibility of men to do whatever it takes to live a life of purity. The evening includes worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring and healing prayer.

Co-ed Groups

Celebrate Recovery

When: Fridays, 6:30–9pm

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive, compulsive or destructive behavior — hurts, habits or hang-ups. At Celebrate Recovery you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles, victories, and hope with others focused on Christ-centered recovery. Meetings include a time of worship, teaching, sharing and fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power to transform!

Circle of Grace

When: 3rd Tuesdays, 7–9pm
Contact: Lyndon or Dave

Circle of Grace is a discussion group seeking to explore how the church can be a safe place for people with same-sex attraction to explore their relationship with Christ in a loving, biblically-faithful environment. Discussions are focused around books, videos, and other resources. 

Blended Family Short-Term Small Group

When: Tuesdays*, 7-9pm
June 6 – July 18
Where: Westerville Campus
Cost: $25/family
Registration Required

Join us for a 6-week small group for blended families. Each week we will have a time of teaching, sharing & prayerful encouragement. Committed dating, engaged & married couples are welcome. Childcare is available (ages 1-12) for $25/family for the session. 

*(Please note - we will not be meeting on July 4th.)

Families of Addicted Loved Ones

When: 2nd & 4th Mondays,
Where: Cooper Road
Cost: $10 for workbook
Contact: Melinda or Alicia

This group is designed to bring education, hope, support, and prayer to friends and family members of those who are addicted. If someone you love is suffering from any type of addiction, please join us. It’s okay to get the help YOU need while we pray they will receive the help that THEY need!

Loving Someone with Mental Illness

When: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7–9pm
 Karen, 614-439-8475 

Loving Someone with Mental Illness is a support group for families and friends of people with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting includes a short teaching, plenty of time for discussion, and prayer.

Still Waters: Peace for Caregivers

When: Fridays, 9:30am
Where: Market District Cafe’, 840 W Third Ave, Columbus, Ohio
Contact: Dixie614-531-6663

The life of a person with chronic illness or caring for a loved one with chronic illness is often stressful and sometimes chaotic. We can often feel alone and inept to the challenges we face. We may struggle to find time for God, ourselves and meaningful relationships. Come away weary one and find light, hope, peace and loving companionship.